I hear the sunspot

Hi there! I have been watching I hear the sunspot (2024 version) lately and just figured out that not all the episodes have been released yet… which was a very sad moment as you might agree with. But I then decided to share my very positive opinion with the world. I hope you can enjoy reading about this fangirl moment as you are also probably waiting for the next episodes to be released.

Firstly I thought I’d start of with a fun quiz, to kill any possible boredom. The end of the test is going to determine what things you want to read on this page. So have fun!! (Obviously if you do not want to take the quiz, you can just start reading everything at your own pace 🙂 )


questions: who are the main characters? what are their characteristics? who play the main characters? who is it written by? why is the series being made? why is the series being made now? who are the books written by? who is the series directed by? where is the series shot? what other movies have alike characters or storylines? where is the series right now most streamed? what are the major themes explored in the series? how has the series been received by critics and audiences? what are some notable changes from the original source material in the adaptation? why did they decide on those changes? what unique visual or narrative techniques are used in the series? how has the series evolved over its seasons in terms of plot and character development? what awards or nominations has the series received?